Hosting Your Own Successful Licensed Blaze Event!!
Congratulations! You have just taken the first step towards raising a huge
amount of money for YOUR cause by organising a licensed Blaze fire walking
challenge! The shortest sponsored walk in the world!
You are about to discover that hosting your own event is as easy and as fun as organising a fundraising barbeque - except the funds raised for your cause are in a different league entirely!!
All you are going to need is a private indoor location where we can facilitate our 2 hour 'learn or burn' (don't worry, it's just a name!) training session with your volunteers immediately prior to the fire walking itself, and also a level, flat surface not more than a five minute walk away where our expert team can build and prepare the bed of red hot coals to our very exact specifications.
(A couple of facts that will re assure you right at the beginning - since we started in 1984 we have never had anyone complete the training session and then NOT walk the coals. A one hundred per cent completion rate! Also in that same time, we have taken more people safely across red hot coals than all the other fire walking instructors in all of the UK - put together!!) When you engage Blaze for your event, you know you have the hardest working and most experienced firewalking team on the planet on team!!
Its easy to imagine a host of suitable locations for your event - hotels have wonderful areas for the training and car parks for the fire walking itself. Certain pubs also welcome this event too because statistics have shown that when a Firewalk is hosted in a hotel or fun pub - the bar takings go up between 300 - 700 per cent!!!
(Fundraising tip no. 1 - make sure you have a percentage of the increased bar takings going to your worthy cause - they are going to be big!)
We have access to everything you are going to need to know in order to make your event a huge success. We invented the very concept of 'doing a charity firewalk' back in the eighties and so over the years, we have heard every single question in the book regarding the setting up and running of this very unique event! However, we are always open to hearing some new questions, so if you have any questions you want to know the answer to, we are only a phone call away......
All there is to do now is to either leave your details by
clicking here and filling in your information
Call now on either 0115 8404329,
0115 840 4329 or 0771 2048042
and one of our experienced project managers will talk you through the entire process
This will tell you everything you are going to need to know in order to start gaining support your own very successful event today!