New World Firewalking Record!!!
In November of 2005, a team of firewalking experts from Blaze smashed the world
record for Firewalking!
The previous world record recognised by the Guiness book of records was set at 220 ft.
It now stands with us at an amazing 601 ft.
The TV show The 'Weird World of Records' showed us breaking ( well, creating ) the longest inverted firewalk in the history of the world. An incredible 50 metres on bare hands.
After they turned the cameras off, our team raked fresh hot coals onto the 25 meter firebed then two of our pyronauts walked its full length a staggering EIGHT times!
That's an amazing BRAND NEW WORLD RECORD of 601 ft on Red Hot Coals!!
This was witnessed by hundreds of the audience and crew of the TV show and the video evidence of the event and witness testimonials are currently being submitted to the authorities at the Guiness book of records.
The two Blaze team members responsible for setting this incredible new record -Joe Savage and Daniel Plater -
both said that they think an EIGHT HUNDRED FOOT firewalking record would be easily achievable if they set their minds to it and are currently contemplating organising it for a TV company in the new year.
Their preperation is going well and we are currently in talks with the right prime time show who interested in showcasing it for us.
Watch this space for further details.